“Deadline to become a sponsor is August 10 (two weeks prior to event)”
Presenting Sponsor $10K
Limit One
- Sponsor logo incorporated into event logo
- Monthly social media recognition on UWCK
- and Skydive Kentucky social media platforms
- Press release announcing sponsorship and support of UWCK
- Event promotion table, tent not included
- Logo on event t-shirt
- Logo displayed on event signage
Runway Sponsor $5K
Limit Ten
- Social media recognition on UWCK and Skydive Kentucky website and social media platforms
- Signage at event
- Event promotion table, tent not included
- Logo on event t-shirt
Video Sponsor $3K
Limit One
- Social media recognition on UWCK and Skydive Kentucky website and social media platforms
- Logo incorporated into jumper videos
- Logo on event t-shirt
* Sponsor Has Been Fulfilled *
Parachute Packer Sponsor $1K
- Social media recognition
- Logo on event t-shirt